
Moolmans South Africa (Pty) Ltd is a Level 2 BBBEE contributor measured against the revised B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice. Our empowerment initiatives are also aligned to the South African Mining Charter, in collaboration with our Clients Social Labour Plan objectives.

At Moolmans, we embrace transformation as an essential business imperative and have integrated our transformation efforts with our broader Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) commitments which we continue to drive in order to create value for all our stakeholders.

Over the last few years, Moolmans has made significant progress in implementing key transformation initiatives, including:

  • identifying, recruiting, and retaining black engineers and other professionals.
  • supporting socio-economic development with an emphasis on localised transformation in the communities in which Moolmans operates, and
  • creating opportunities for black-owned emerging micro-enterprises and qualifying small enterprises to access Moolmans’ procurement expenditure.

Moolmans recognises the importance of investing in the development of local communities within which we operate. Our goal is to advance BBBEE transformation objectives through collaborative and mutually beneficial partnerships that enable sustainable access to economic opportunities for communities.

Employment Equity and Diversity Management

As a good corporate citizen, Moolmans accepts the responsibility and commits to a balanced representation of historically disadvantaged South Africans (HDSAs) across all occupational levels.

Socio-Economic Development

Moolmans recognises the importance of its commitment towards investing and making a contribution in the development of local communities within which it operates.


Preferential Procurement and Supplier Development

The preferential procurement and supplier development approach within Moolmans is primarily aimed at ensuring that large companies such as Moolmans, as far as it is possible, procure goods and services…

Community Development

As part of the Aveng Community Investment Trust, which drives the Aveng Group’s socio-economic development (SED) activities, Moolmans contributes to the two flagship projects…

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