Training and Development Objectives:
Moolmans recognises that the competence of its human resources is a critical factor for its future progress and prosperity, especially in the face of global competition. We further recognises that in order to meet the skills challenges in the organisation, it is strategically necessary to invest in the education, training and skills development of our employees.
Our skills development approach is designed to facilitate the achievement of three key outcomes:
- To implement the organisation’s vision of a competent workforce that continuously meets productivity, safety, availability, utilization and client targets.
- To show a Return on Investment in education, training and development.
- To contribute to the development of a pool of skilled workers to support national and international economic growth in line with the country strategies regarding the education, training and development of people.
Training and Development Value-add
Proven track record in establishing new sites in South Africa as well as in remote locations, where skills shortages were a problem. These remote locations include sites in Botswana and Zambia as well as French speaking countries like Mali (Sadiola) and Guinea (Siguiri).
Moolmans’ training and development functions have demonstrated, with huge success, the ability to train inexperienced and unskilled people in very remote areas. These employees are trained to supervise mining operations, operate, service and maintain surface mobile mining equipment. This skills development has ensured safe operations and the consistent achievement of our clients requirements.
Moolmans has a proven track-record in the development of a competent workforce with the ability to operate, maintain and supervise opencast mining as well as shaft sinking and underground operations. Our training and development capabilities facilitate the delivery of the following business essentials:
- Increased productivity: Workers can perform at a faster rate and with better efficiency, thus increasing overall productivity of the company.
- Improvement in workers performance: The employee is fully aware of his/her role and responsibilities which enables them to carry out their duties in a better way.
- Reduced cost: There is no wastage of resources which may cause extra expenses. All machines and resources are used economically, reducing expenditure.
- Business needs: Through training we ensure that all our machines have more than one competent operator.
- Multi Skilling: Ensure that we license our operators with more than one license to prevent machine standing time.
- Clients Requirements: Train all our employees on the COP of the clients and SOP of the company to ensure compliance
- Safe operations: Home without Harm, Everyone, Everyday
Moolmans is an Accredited Training Provider with the Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA) Qualifications:
- National Certificate: Rock breaking Surface Excavation Level 3 SAQA ID 62869
- National Certificate: Generic Management NQF4
- Basic Generic Supervision level 2 MQA/SP/0122/10
- Intermediate Generic Management level 4 MQA/SP/0123/10
- Advanced Generic Management level 5 MQA/SP/0121/1
- Skills Programme: Operate Mobile Machinery for Surface Excavation Operations
- Skills Programme: Examine and make Safe: Competent A person
- Skills Programme: Blasting Assistant
- Skills Programme: OHS activities for Part Time Workplace Representatives and Shop Stewards in the Mining and Minerals Sector
- Convey Dangerous Goods Hazchem
- First Aid Level 1-3
- Fire Fighting
Aveng Mining Engineering Training Centre
The effectiveness of the Plant and Engineering functions is at the core of our business performance and sustainability.
Therefore, the investment into education, training and skills development capability is embraced as a strategic imperative within Moolmans.
Through our Engineering Training Centres, we ensure that skills development is orientated to facilitate the delivery of key and requisite skills and competence. Our Engineering Training Centre is recognised as one of the top accredited training centres in South Africa. We offer apprenticeships through our Engineering Training Centre accredited by the MQA and MERSETA as an accredited training provider as well as a Trade Test Centre (TTC). Our training programs are in line with the National Qualification Framework.
The Aveng Mining Engineering Training Centre is accredited to run Apprenticeship Programmes where learners are taken through the applicable phases over a duration of 4 years, during which a registered trade skill is acquired by candidates to carry out a particular job function.
The training centre conducts theoretical and practical assessments for the following trades:
- Earthmoving Equipment Mechanics
- Millwrights
- Fitters
- Electricians
- Auto Electricians
Contact Us
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